Maroc compta

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Maroc compta

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Maroc compta

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2 participants

    XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages


    Messages : 19
    Points : 33
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages Empty XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages

    Message par Sandram Mer 18 Jan - 15:27

    Good day
    I need your help, please.
    On the declaration of salaries and wages EDI file, provision is made for exempt items. However, there is mention of specific codes to be used which was published by the DGI in "the appendix".
    I cannot find this annexure anywhere.
    Please, if anyone can assist, I will appreciate it.
    Thank you.
    Warm regards

    Messages : 162
    Points : 242
    Date d'inscription : 11/06/2020
    Age : 31
    Localisation : Témara

    XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages Empty Re: XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages

    Message par dahbi Jeu 19 Jan - 15:42

    [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
    XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages Edi10
    source : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

    Sandram aime ce message


    Messages : 19
    Points : 33
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages Empty XML File for the declaration of salaries and wages

    Message par Sandram Jeu 19 Jan - 15:54

    Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it.

    dahbi aime ce message

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 25 Jan - 7:45