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Maroc compta

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Maroc compta

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2 participants

    Taxation of company vehicles used by employees


    Messages : 19
    Points : 33
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    Taxation of company vehicles used by employees Empty Taxation of company vehicles used by employees

    Message par Sandram Mer 5 Avr - 11:17

    Greetings everyone.
    I am trying to find the latest table with the tax rates for company vehicles used by employees in Morocco, where the value and engine capacity of the vehicle are taken into account to determine the taxable value.
    I hope you will be able to assist.
    Thank you in advance.

    Messages : 128
    Points : 202
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020
    Age : 34
    Localisation : Azilal

    Taxation of company vehicles used by employees Empty Re: Taxation of company vehicles used by employees

    Message par Errami Mer 5 Avr - 11:32

    Taxation of company vehicles used by employees Vignet10

    Sandram aime ce message


    Messages : 19
    Points : 33
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    Taxation of company vehicles used by employees Empty Re: Taxation of company vehicles used by employees

    Message par Sandram Mer 5 Avr - 14:46

    Do you have something similar to this, but for 2023?
    Fichiers joints
    Taxation of company vehicles used by employees AttachmentTaxation of company vehicle use for employees.png
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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan - 12:56