Maroc compta

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Maroc compta

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Maroc compta

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2 participants

    Taxation of leave pay on termination


    Messages : 17
    Points : 31
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    Taxation of leave pay on termination Empty Taxation of leave pay on termination

    Message par Sandram Ven 23 Juin - 11:59

    Greetings everyone

    I am trying to find information regarding the taxation of leave pay on termination. Is it taxable income or not?
    I would also like to know which article in the Tax Code cover this topic.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards

    Messages : 126
    Points : 181
    Date d'inscription : 26/11/2020

    Taxation of leave pay on termination Empty Re: Taxation of leave pay on termination

    Message par ANIS Ven 23 Juin - 12:32

    L'indemnité de licenciement et dommages et intérêts : Exonérées de toutes les retenues sociales et fiscales.
    Le solde de tout compte (préavis, complément de salaire, congés ) : imposable

    Sandram aime ce message


    Messages : 17
    Points : 31
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    Taxation of leave pay on termination Empty Taxation of leave pay on termination

    Message par Sandram Mar 27 Juin - 10:45

    Thank you so much for this information, I appreciate it.
    Is it possible to provide me with the Article number in the General Tax Code as reference, please?

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards.

    Messages : 126
    Points : 181
    Date d'inscription : 26/11/2020

    Taxation of leave pay on termination Empty Re: Taxation of leave pay on termination

    Message par ANIS Mar 27 Juin - 13:37

    Article 57 - Exonérations

    Sandram aime ce message


    Messages : 17
    Points : 31
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2023
    Localisation : Cape Town, South Africa

    Taxation of leave pay on termination Empty Re: Taxation of leave pay on termination

    Message par Sandram Mar 27 Juin - 14:44

    Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

    Kind regards

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 11 Oct - 11:04